
At Best Coast Constructions we are committed to setting a new standard in the construction industry. Our focus is on creating high-performance buildings while making environmentally conscious choices.

We embrace the principles of Passivhaus, a renowned set of standards applicable to all building types. By adhering to these standards, we have the ability to construct and deliver homes that consume up to 90% less energy. This framework allows us to design homes that maintain a comfortable and consistent temperature range of 20-25°C throughout the year. Our approach involves constructing an airtight building envelope, incorporating uninterrupted continuous insulation, and utilising high-performance windows and doors. We pay meticulous attention to detail, ensuring the absence of thermal bridges, which effectively prevents temperature transfer, eliminates mould, and minimises condensation. In our homes, you can enjoy a stable indoor environment and breathe easy, thanks to our mechanical ventilation systems that provide fresh, filtered air around the clock.

Furthermore, our commitment to excellence extends beyond the Passivhaus principles. As a certified Passivhaus builder and proud member of the Australian Passive House Association, we go the extra mile to ensure our projects undergo rigorous scrutiny. This includes energy modelling during the design phase and thorough testing throughout the construction process. By adhering to these rigorous standards, we guarantee that every element of our framework seamlessly integrates and operates harmoniously. This approach is not new; globally, over 100,000 buildings align with this process. However, we firmly believe that the best is yet to come in Australia, and we are determined to be at the forefront of this positive change.

At Best Coast Constructions, we are driven by our passion for crafting homes that provide an exceptional human experience. We believe that your health begins at home, and we are committed to making that belief a reality.